Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.10.02 Released!

We would like to announce the immediate availability of Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.10.02.
This release focuses on some conversion bug fixes, and base data changed to Japan Post released on 2010-02-26.

You can buy and download from https://www.fabrice.co.jp/blog/japan-national-postal-code-list-in-roman/.
Further details about the release can be found in there also.

Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.10.02 Released!


[download id=”15″ format=”3″]

Twitterでもお知らせをはじめました。 fabrice_jp


Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.10.01 Released!

We would like to announce the immediate availability of Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.10.01.
This release focuses on some conversion bug fixes, and base data changed to Japan Post released on 2010-01-29.

You can buy and download from https://www.fabrice.co.jp/.
Further details about the release can be found in there also.

Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.10.01 Released!

Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.9.12 Released!

We would like to announce the immediate availability of Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.9.12.
This release focuses on some conversion bug fixes, and base data changed to Japan Post released on 2009-12-28.

You can buy and download from https://www.fabrice.co.jp/blog/japan-national-postal-code-list-in-roman/.
Further details about the release can be found in there also.

Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ver.9.12 Released!